How we came to live at Tanglewood is a very interesting story. Until Memorial Day of this year we never even had a whisper of a thought about moving! I thought I’d live at StoneGable until my time on this earth was done. But God had other plans!

Living at Tanglewood has been a surprise and a gift. A gift from God. Here’s the story of how we came to call Tanglewood ours.

It all started the day before Memorial Day. After church Bobby and I went to his golf club to have lunch. As we were eating lunch overlooking the pristine course Bobby just happened to mention, “Honey, I think one of the Villas you like so much is for sale”.

On a side street that cuts through the golf course sits a few homes called Villas. I’ve always thought they were just beautiful, well built and perfectly maintained. And I’ve been so so curious to have a look inside. I’ve said on several occasions I might actually give up StoneGable if we could move into one of them. Certainly, I was kidding. Well, half kidding!

Sure enough one was for sale. The one most recently built. I was so curious to get a look inside so we called the realtor and saw it the next day.

It was beautiful and open and had a master bedroom and bath on the first floor. The floor plan flowed perfectly and there were so many windows! I’m a huge fan of windows!!!! And the quality was amazing!

I fell in love with it right away!

I had no intention of loving this home but I did! Could this be the next step in our journey?

I got that tingly all over excitement that I get when I go on a Christmas house tour or a Garden tour put on by a charity. You know those tours, right?

And you know that one house on the tour that makes you swoon? Well, the Tanglewood house gave me that tingly-swooning feeling!

Going from that giddy feeling to buying a home is a gargantuan step. And for us, it is not a matter of what we want but being in God’s will for our lives.

So we started to pray! And pray! We told God we wanted to be in His will and we were so so grateful for StoneGable. We prayed that He would show us what to do. We asked God to open and close doors for us. He would have to make this happen if He wanted to bless us with Tanglewood.

And we meant it! We love StoneGable but we also found a beautiful home that was perfect for where we are in our lives right now!

It was up to God. We prayed that we would be faithful and walk through every door He opened and stop when He closed a circumstance for us! And we prayed that we would praise Him whether He opened a door for us or closed one. And mostly we prayed to be obedient to His will.

We told God we knew He is faithful to us and we wanted to be faithful to Him.

At this time I really wanted to live at Tanglewood. The thought of a new home and a new adventure was so exciting!

As we prayed we saw God move through the circumstances in our lives.

And God not only opened up doors but those doors flew off their hinges!

We found the perfect realtor and we visited the Tanglewood house three times and each time we loved it more and more! I could not sleep at night because I kept decorating and re-decorating Tanglewood in my mind. And I prayed and prayed for leading! And to be honest, I prayed and prayed He would bless us with this new home.

We felt we were to move forward and buy Tanglewood. We prayed if this move was not God’s will we would just be stopped in our tracks!

I don’t like those transition times of waiting! Not at all! But we tried not to get ahead of God. Our mantra was “put one foot in front of the other and move”. And that’s what we did!

We clung to God! Open doors and closed doors are very obvious and we were ready to follow Him either way!

So we put a bid in on the Tanglewood house and it was accepted. Another open door. One more step! We were thrilled!

The next step was to sell StoneGable. When the FOR SALE sign went up in the front yard of my beloved StoneGable I got very big second thoughts! Cold feet! And big, big doubts! I wanted so badly to retrace my steps backward and just forget the whole moving thing!

We had worked so hard to get StoneGable ready to sell and it had never looked more beautiful. That year the gardens and yard were gorgeous. Butterflies fluttered everywhere like a scene from a fairytale!

And we were letting my forever home go!

“Okay, God! Let’s stop here! I’m happy at StoneGable. I LOVE this home!”

But doors just kept opening up. This was the time I call THE GREAT MOURNING.

I cried and cried and was physically sick for three weeks!

I kept walking through the doors God opened but I was quite a mess! I knew better than to question God but I was miserable!

The only solace I found was in the pages of my Bible. I spent a lot of time reading and studying God’s word! “One foot in front of the other” became like a death march to me!!!!!

But as I soaked in God’s truth my attitude started to align with His. And my will became His will. And one day the mourning time just stopped! One day I got up and was okay! And the idea of moving seemed okay, more than okay! It seemed right.

StoneGable sold! Another open door! So Bobby and I walk through it and knew God had a new plan for StoneGable and for us!

We had been praying all along that a young family would buy StoneGable to use it to grow their family and glorify God. And God answered that prayer in a big way too!

Now, here I happily sit in my new study, in my new home! I’m still in a bit of shock at the way my life took such a quick turn. However, I’ve lived long enough to say,

“You never know what God has waiting for you around the next corner”!

And here’s what I’ve learned from this adventure…

Always be in God’s will. Ask Him to show you His will!


Feelings are fickle. We have them and need to acknowledge them but we should never let feelings control our lives!


Pray and pray and keep praying!


When God opens a door for you don’t tarry! Walk through it! And when a door closes don’t try to pry it open!


We praise God for His goodness and provision and blessing in our lives! And that is how we see our new home… one very big blessing!

And now our prayer is for God to use us and our home for His great glory!

How about you? Are you struggling with a decision big or small? Give it over to God and pray! Let him open and close doors to keep you in His magnificent will!

Here’s a bible verse to ponder this week…



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  1. God Bless you and Bobby on your new home. Stone Gable was the first blog I ever knew of and loved it since day one. I do now look at a few others but thank God I see yours daily in my inbox. I will miss seeing beautiful Stone Gable but am excited to see what God does through you at Tanglewood.

  2. Claudia Wise says:

    I have loved seeing Stonegable and your decorating skill. Your move surprised me! I couldn’t imagine leaving that treasure. Your post today was awesome! I too am a follower of God and I was renewed in spirit hearing your testimony to selling your home and moving on. Although I’m not anticipating leaving my home of 43 years I did need to hear this message . Thank you !

  3. Congratulations on your new home! What a great story and I appreciate the scripture and your words of wisdom!

  4. Brenda Dehaas says:

    Beautiful Story Yvonne . Your testimony to handing everything over to God brought tears running down my cheeks .
    I can’t wait for the next chapter at your new Tanglewood Home ?

  5. You were so brave! I’m sure it was scary but you approached the situation the right way. We should never make decisions without God’s guidance. That way we’ll know we have nothing to fear. So happy for you and your new adventure.

  6. Nancy Davies says:

    This move was certainly meant to be. God knew what was best for you. Blessing to you both in this new chapter in your lives. You will have renewed vigor as you redecorate and make this house and garden yours.

  7. Heidi Colton says:

    Hi Yvonne! Your move sure surprised me. God works in mysterious ways. I pray God will bless you and Bobby in your new home. I too am praying for God’s wisdom. In a couple years my husband will be retiring and we wonder if we should stay in Texas or move back to Georgia. It’s a hard choice as we have family here but not there. Also medical cost wise it’s better here. So the prayer goes on. Good luck in your new home.

  8. Yvonne, I can’t begin to tell you how much this post has spoken to my heart.

    We thought we were in the process of building our retirement/dream home on a lot that we had purchased for our retirement years ago. After spending a year and a half going through the design process, bidding process, builder hiring process and lot prep, everything fell apart. It became very clear that we were on the wrong path with this builder and his associates. It took another 2-3 months to get to the point where the builder was willing to sign a legal document that allowed us to terminate the construction contract.

    We understand that we were on the wrong path with the builder and his associates. But are we also planning on moving to the wrong place? Since no construction was ever started on our lot, we are still in a position to sell it. But if we sell it, where are we supposed to move instead? And if we are still supposed to build, where do we find a trustworthy builder? And a good architect?

    I bought a chronological Bible that is broken up into daily readings, and I have been reading it. That has brought me some peace. I have been praying and praying. And we have started the process of turning doorknobs to see which one opens. But we are still currently in that transition period, and it is really hard.

    Thank you for sharing.

  9. What a beautiful story I needed to hear this as to help me ‘know how to pray’

  10. As you have been faithful to the Lord, he is faithful to you and even through in a golf course for Bobby. “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.”‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37:23‬ ‭ Your faithful followers are excited to take this journey with you and Tanglewood is beautiful. Is the stone the same on both homes?

  11. Cynthia Mcafee says:

    Wow! Both homes are beautiful! I’m facing similar circumstances or feelings if we should move or stay also. Love my home but it gets overwhelming with maintaining house and yard. Blessings

  12. JANICE WRIGHT says:

    Thanks for this posting. My husband and I are trying to decide to move or stay and this really hit the mark. Many Blessings to you and your beautiful new home

    Jan Wright

  13. So happy for you in your new home – and thank you for your description of the move and the way you prayed about it! Sounded so very familiar to me….a little over two years ago my husband and I were near retirement and thought “where should we downsize to”??? We looked in Florida, the Carolina area, and seemed to be leaning toward a 55+ in Delaware. Then out of the blue we saw a real estate story on a new apartment building in a community in Lancaster. We had never thought of something like that….and thought we might be too young in our early 60’s. Once we saw the place we were hooked – but we were not retired yet and could not make the commitment. Meanwhile – a young family in our neighborhood heard we were thinking of moving and mentioned how much they loved our home…we’re we selling ? Nope, we said…maybe someday. A few months later we retired and checked to see if the apartment ( the last one left) was available. Nope. So we just kept praying for guidance…where should we go, should we stay in our home, stay in this state. A few months later the apartment we wanted was suddenly available….in less than a week we made the decision to downsize, move, called the people who expressed an interest in our home, and sold it. No realtor, no sign….and the young boys who came to see the house with their parents were adorable. I loved ( like you ) that a family would be enjoying our home. It happened so fast – we were praying for guidance and everything just fell into place. Like you, I wondered during the process if we were doing the right thing….and trusted God that he was putting everything into place. Two years later….we LOVE our new home, have made friends that are like family, and could not be happier. Along with Jere 29:11 the passage that sticks with me is Romans 8:28 – All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose! Can’t wait to see all your decorating skills and love make your new house your HOME!

  14. Thank you so much for writing this post. I feel as if God is using it to speak directly to me! My husband and I are in the midst of a move right now as well. This has been our much loved home for 27 years. We are relocating to another state to be closer to children and grandchildren. All the emotions you wrote about I am experiencing. The scary part is that we sold our home but we do not have a new home to go to yet. I am trying to trust God with this but somedays it is so hard, especially since there is so much unknown ahead. Your story really blessed me today. If the Lord puts it on your heart, pray that He opens the doors for us to know He ‘s got this for us too. Thank you for the encouragement Yvonne.

  15. KittyLuvr says:

    My husband and I went on this same journey and moved the week before July 4th…the timing was quick and we discussed it with no one but God….not even our children until three weeks before we moved….we all went on family vacation and came back and moved the next week….since then, my hubby and I have praised God weekly for opening doors (literally) at the right time for us and we are so very happy with our move. We laugh and say we should have done it years ago….I hope your story inspires others….

  16. I enjoyed this post about how Tanglewood came to be your new home. It is so AWESOME how you and Bobby put your trust in God as you faced a big life decision! I love how you share this with all of us, and give great advice. God has surely blessed you in your new endeavor, and He will continue to do so. Meanwhile, all of your blog readers will be blessed too–sharing in your happiness and good faith in God.

  17. We gave up our beloved dream home in order to move to a different state to be with our children and grandchildren. It was scary! We had worked for years make our dream home perfect for us. Things fell into place extremely quickly. We are currently in temporary living quarter while we look for our next dream home. In the meantime we know deep, deep in our hearts that we were meant to be with our family. I know that your new home will be filled with many new memories.

  18. Bobbi Duncan says:

    Beautiful story, Yvonne. Isn’t amazing how letting God lead us on the right path is so much calmer than trying to control life’s journey all on our own. I love your biblical teachings, but I always seem to get tearful when reading them–guess that comes from a profound love of our wonderful God. Hugs!

  19. Todays post really spoke to my heart. Thank you for your openness. I know my hubby and I will go through this same process in a few years…but your excitement brings me so much joy. We too have prayed for guidance and direction. Our move might mean leaving the state we grew up in which is challenging to think about. I am looking forward to watching you decorate Tanglewood. I hope along the way you will share your experiences in downsizing…especially letting go of things you may not have room for any longer.

  20. Joanie Carl says:

    Oh my goodness….. a week ago when I read you had moved, I was so taken by surprise! I literally
    teared up!!!!
    But reading your explanation today, and thank you for that, I know you are in good hands with God… of luck in your new adventure in life?❤️

  21. Yvonne, this is my first time commenting; however, I have followed your blog for quite a while now and love everything about it! Thanks for sharing this wonderful story of faith, patience, perserverance and grace. I can’t wait to see how Tanglewood is transformed in the coming weeks! My husband and I are close to retirement age and have lived in a small ranch home that our families help build 36 years ago. My husband and I are on different pages as far as staying here (my husband’s preference) or moving on (my preference). Just as you experienced, it will take God totally opening or closing doors before a move will ever take place. Meanwhile, I have been praying for His will, not mine, and His perfect plan (just as you shared). I’m trying to look at the glass half full, instead of half empty, and can’t wait to see what God has to teach me through this process. This post is perfect timing for me and I am so thankful for your amazing story of how God’s will was revealed in miraculous ways! You are such an inspiration to your readers and your love for Christ shines through your beautiful blog! Blessings!

  22. Yvonne! I love, love, love this story! He is an amazing God and you have shown this with the outcome and blessings of your journey with the house purchase and sale. Thank you for the reminder message to be in His will. It is so easy to journey through life making decisions and not ask what He wants for us and in that we miss the blessing. I hope you love your new home and enjoy the journey of decorating and using it to glorify Him. I look forward to reading about all your experiences there.

  23. It was wonderful to read your story. It was especially nice to read that you and your husband were both praying as well as praying together about all the decisions involved in such a huge transition. Thank you for telling us about your faith.

  24. Darlene Mahnken says:

    Thank you for this post. We are going through the exact same thing! Downsizing a little. Excited about our new build but sad about leaving this house. Your words spoke directly to me and the Jeremiah scripture is always God’s way of telling me I’m in His will. So thank you!

    1. I know the context of Jere 29 is for Israel but the same holds true in our lives!

  25. Hi Yvonne,
    I just heard the news that you had moved and now I’m here to read all about it. Wow! Life can be very unexpected. Looking forward to seeing all about it.
    Liberty at

  26. Anne Cody says:

    Congratulations on your new home. I am sure you and Bobby will be very happy in it. that being said, I am sorry but all your talk about praying to God and being physically sick for 3 weeks. Look around you, people pray to know where their next meal is coming from and how they will house their children. I have always thought of you as a talented and clever woman. After this silly post, not so much. good luck in your new adventures.

    1. Ann, I am sorry, but I think you missed the point to Yvonne’s post. I am not taking liberty to speak for Yvonne but I read the post as expression of gratitude for how relationally available our God is. Our God is an amazing and personal God. He is present and available in each individual circumstance. Praise be to Him, to whom we can cry out when faced with decisions, however big or small, HE hears them all!

      1. THank you Vickie. Ann, Yes there is so much suffering and tragedy in this broken world. You only see a tiny slice of my life and my prayers. Grace is another of God’s wonderful blessings we should all lavish on one another!

    2. Anne, I understand. It can be difficult to see one Christian friend prospering while another friend is suffering, but God is with us in the different seasons of our lives. Let us all endeavor to be more humble and trusting.

  27. I pondered on this post for awhile. It is definitely bittersweet. While there are so many possibilities that we look forward to …. it seems there is so much Change going on. I know in my own life there is a ton of it going on. And it was reflected even in this post. In some ways I’m thankful for that. I draw alot of inspo from you and if your going through change (something I don’t really like lol) maybe you can help guide me through ?? peace to you, Yvonne. And THANK YOU

  28. This was an inspiration to me. I’ll begin praying that we find a smaller home with a smaller yard in the perfect place for us. Thank you so much!

  29. janeinbama says:

    Happened to us last year. Our sweet young neighbors knew of a lake house that was coming back on the market at the sale had fallen through. We drove up, looked at each other and knew we were moving! Our house sold the first week with no contingency. We were sad to leave our neighbors, but love waking up to the lake EVERY day. We never dreamed that our retirement (DH currently and me in a few more years) would involve lake living.

    We felt God’s hand the entire time as we packed up what was our forever home. A young family bought our home too. They will enjoy the creek, 4 wheeler trails and a home ready to be lived in.

  30. Laraine Larkin says:

    So happy for you! Your new home is beautiful, and I cannot wait to see what you do with it! Congratulations!

  31. Jill Williams says:

    I loved reading about your new home. I’ve always loved peaking into Stone Gable when you’ve shown us bits and pieces but Tanglewood is beautiful. Today I am facing some personal challenges and and contemplating selling the house my son and I build to be my “granny cottage.” The scriptures you prayed over your decision are some of my personal favorites and I needed to read them. May you be blessed in your new home, Yvonne.

    Jill Williams

  32. Barbara Smith says:

    Yvonne, I just love this story. What a testimony of your faithfulness. I cried as I read this. Oh, to have this love for the Lord! I am so blessed that you would share your heart! I am so blessed and thankful for my Savior and the friends that have been bold about sharing on their blogs. Thank you so much for the verses and promises that our Lord gives us. Blessings!!

  33. Karen VanLoo says:

    I’ve been traveling, in fact I was in Pennsylvania at the Penn State football game this weekend! I am just catching up on some of your posts, and I’m thrilled to read how God has worked his plan for you and Bobby. I can’t wait to see how you decorate your new home! I’m so excited for you guys.

  34. When I heard you bought a new home, a part of me mourned, too. I’ve been living vicariously at Stonegable since I found your blog several years ago. But, It is so true that doors close and others open. And we must follow where God leads. God bless you and Bobby as you begin this chapter. And God bless the family that moved into Stonegable. What am I saying? God is blessing them—they get to live at Stonegable! Xxoo

  35. Vanessa Breg says:

    What a great testimony which speaks of your faith and of HIS Faithfullness. I lived through a similar situation 13 years ago; as I was getting out of a very ugly and abusive marriage. God put some great people in my path who helped me and he opened door after door; and in a matter of 6 months, I was living in a different state, in a beautiful house, the company that I worked for moved me to this new location, I had a new car; and I woke up every morning in peace; with a heart full of gratitude. It seemed surreal. HE does go before us and makes a way for us when we pray for HIS will in our lives. Praise HIS name!!! I really enjoyed reading about your journey – thank you for sharing.

  36. Marie Empringham says:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I live in Barrie, Ontario. I am so happy that God is the focus of your life. I agree that asking for God’s direction and then following Him, always yields amazing results.
    I am educated in interior design and staging but it is mostly for me now. As someone who doesn’t like to throw things out, I prefer to reuse what I can and pass on the rest. Thanks for your daily inspiration. You and your family are in my prayers.

    1. Marie, thank you! And I am so delighted you are inspired here. Praying for you too Marie!

  37. I just came across your post of how it came about that you moved to Tanglewood. Isn’t it amazing how God works?! This is timely as my husband wants to move away from my beloved Colorado where I’ve lived for 30 years. I am trying to listen for God’s leading as I want His Will in my life. I’ve had to give up a LOT of control and wants over this but I know that no matter where we land, God will be with me.

    1. I love it when “Jesus takes the wheel”! It’s also so amazing He does it over and over again. When timing is involved in a divine intervention, I call it a “tender mercy”.

      I could relate to your beautiful thoughts as we had this experience 4 yrs ago. Moving can be exciting and yet pulls so hard on the heart strings when leaving a forever home. You want to leave it in good hands. ?

      We’ve always been guided to our homes. Previous to moving from our forever home, for 1 1/2 yrs I had been including in my prayers, “help us to know when and where to move to get the most value out of our home.” I didn’t want to miss something because I hadn’t been open to it. I had been living the motto, “live like you’re moving”. Dejunking every space while still updating our home – again.

      After a random walk around our neighborhood on a Sunday evening, the thought of moving emerged and grew. It was like a whirlwind of doors opening and we found a home within 10 days and sold ours in one day. I sat back and watched with amazement as each of the items on my “prayer list” was checked off. Every single one. Thank you for telling your story … Proverbs 3:5-6 ?? I love happy endings.

  38. Your story of your faith journey in buying Tanglewood was wonderful and brought tears to my eyes. I loved the very clear concept of open doors from God, and also closed ones. Thank you for being a witness for Our Lord and giving Him the praise and glory. Just this testimony alone is part of His purpose in moving you. Jer 29:11 says it all…. Amen