Beautiful Christmas Trends For 2023 You Will Really Love

Need a little Christmas inspiration. We all love trends, and the trends for Christmas 2023 are so beautifully festive. From gingerbread decor to sparsely decorating Christmas trees, there is something for everyone this holiday season.

CHRISTMAS TRENDS 23- metal garland

Christmas is undoubtedly the most cherished time of the year to decorate our homes. And 2023’s Christmas trends will add both sweet and beautiful elements to our homes. I think the trends this holiday season are taken from the best of Old World luxuries and Christmas traditions. They have been freshened up and will work beautifully in almost any home.

You might say, “Oh, I don’t care about trends.” Actually, you probably do! Most of the Christmas decor you have was once a trend. If you have a Santa collection, that is because you probably bought a Santa when it was the latest Christmas decor and kept on adding to your collection year after year. If you have a cedar wreath for your front door, like me, it’s probably because you saw beautiful cedar wreaths on Pinterest and loved them so much that you got one for your home. Trends give us options and new things to enjoy, whether you just like to look at them or want to buy some to add to your decorations.

I could not be more thrilled and excited about 2023’s Christmas trends! Let’s take a look.

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Whenever I talk about trends, I start by explaining what a trend is and what a classic is. This will help you understand how to use them when you decorate.

What Is A Trend?

Trends are born as a reaction to the world around us. They are creative and beautiful solutions to what is happening in our lives. These can be practical or inventive or sometimes even a bit ridiculous!

No matter how you feel about trends, always use what you love in your home! Because your home is just that… YOUR HOME!

What Is A Classic

Oh, I love a good classic. Classic decor is something that stood the test of good taste and time and is always in style. It transcends trendiness most of the time.

Classics often float in and out as the latest trend before they settle on their high pedestal as the best of the best decor! I love trends, but unless I know they will be classics or are classic decor that gains enough popularity to be a trend, I use trends sparingly. I’m a classic girl through and through!

Christmas trends usually come with less of a commitment compared to something as substantial as buying the latest chair or dining room table. They will not live in our homes all year for all to see and for us to use and enjoy. And they usually do not carry the same price tag as everyday home decor either.

Christmas trends are displayed in our homes for a short period of time and are very specific to the Holiday season. Many of us like to choose a couple of on-trend items every year to keep the rest of our Christmas stash looking fresh. And most importantly, Christmas trends are to bring us joy and create Christmas magic in our homes.

Just enjoy the beautiful trends you see in this post. Who knows, there just might be something you would love to use in your Christmas home! Here are some of the most popular trends for Christmas 2023…


Can you just smell the delicious aroma? Gingerbread houses, men, ornament, snowflakes, mugs, stockings, and pillows are big this Christmas. They are nostalgic and sweet and fit in a popular warm color story for Christmas this year.

My favorite Christmas gingerbread decor are little appetizer/cookie plates, Gingerbread Advent Houses, and this darling (there’s a whole set) ceramic Gingerbread House you can light up!

If you don’t want to fake gingerbread, why not make a batch of gingerbread men or a gingerbread house loaf cake! YUM! No matter what you choose, gingerbread is a classic!

Real Touch Christmas Greens/ Norfolk Pine

Just when you thought faux greens were pretty lifelike, they have been taken to the next level! New real touch evergreens are the hot new Christmas decor for 2023! These look real and feel real, too! And my favorite real touch evergreens are heavy, floppy Norfolk pines. They look gorgeous on mantels because their branches can drip over the edge. So pretty! I’m working on my Christmas mantel now. Coming soon!

Why not replace some of your tired greens with real touch of Norfolk Pine or Cyprus Greens?


Berries are everywhere this year! Berries have a timeless nostalgic appeal and traditional charm. And this year, like last, traditional Christmas decor is very popular! Wouldn’t this berry wreath look gorgeous on a mirror tied up with the prettiest Christmas bow?

Think about berry garland, berry picks, and berry ornaments in your favorite Christmas color to add to your holiday decor this year.


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Do you remember drying oranges ages ago? What goes around, comes around? Oh, I had a tree of them and gingerbread men. It’s like Groundhog Day Christmas! If you do one thing this Christmas season, dry some oranges and decorate with them. Look for a post at the end of the month about an easy way to dry oranges.


Beautiful, classic velvet is all the rage again.

Oh, I love this trend! Velvet has always been associated with Christmas because it is a luxury textile. But this Christmas velvet is featured on more than pillows! However, the pillows above are more than gorgeous with that velvet fringe!

Look for bedding and throws, and even ornament in velvet! And I’m also seeing it in this Christmas’s new hot color palette!

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Add a velvet ribbon to a wreath or hang velvet stocking on the mantel. Why not start by getting a beautiful pair of velvet pillows that will work for Christmas and carry your decor all the way to spring.

Traditional Christmas Decor

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It seems we love traditional Christmas decor, and that includes the quintessential color palette, too! This year, traditional red, green, and white decor will still be on-trend. And so will Christmas plaids. Red, black and white will be a color story that will also be popular.

Copper/Gold/Brown Color Palette

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Rich coppers, gold, and browns have been showing up in Christmas decor for a year or two, and I knew these elegant colors would be big this year! They go with almost any color and have a sumptuous look. I like to think of this color palette as an answer to jewel tones, only calmer and friendlier.

Decorating will be extra fun at my house, I’m adding these colors to my Christmas decor.

European Christmas

CHRISTMAS TRENDS 23- European Christmas decor

Here’s another new trend that will affect my Christmas decor this year. I feel a big decor shift that will not only be a Christmas trend but will also be a huge trend in home decor for the next few years.

European Christmas decor is soft and comfortable, using well-love vintage pieces and botanicals. It’s the juxtaposition of opulent items like crystal chandeliers and passed-down pieces like a well-worn baker’s cabinet. Just look at the incredible images from one of my favorite IG accounts, VibekeDesign. A must-see! I love her European designs.

All the categories of trending Christmas decor for 2023 could actually go under the heading of European Christmas.

Dark Moody, Suede, and Velvet Christmas Ornaments

Last Christmas, we began to see some beautiful moody Christmas ornaments, and this trend is going strong for another year. Look for beautiful suede and velvet ornaments and pair them with other darker-colored ornaments like chocolate brown, cognac, and even black.

We may not want a tree full of these darker ornaments, but a few on your tree will add depth and something stunningly different!

I’m working on a very easy DIY for painting old Christmas balls you don’t use anymore to turn them into moody and interesting new ornaments.

Tibetan Inspired Cowbells

CHRISTMAS TRENDS 23- Tibetan Cow Bells

Okay, I had to look up what these bells were called. I even have a trio of them. I called them Christmas cowbells, but their real names are Tibetian Cowbells.

I actually thought last year might be the end of the huge popularity of these rustic bells that have been seen everywhere for a few years. But they are back for another year! And no wonder. They are so versatile and have an Old World rustic charm. And best of all they are very reasonably priced!

Make sure to grab a set of Tibetan-inspired cowbells this holiday season.

Sparsely Decorated Christmas Trees

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This is one Christmas 2023 trend I love but will not be following! Just like most styles, they swing from one extreme to another. This Christmas, trees with just a string of white lights or a smattering of ornaments will be very popular. Real trees are also popular.

This is a gorgeous look but not as easy to pull off as you think. If you love this look too, keep other decor in the room very sparse. I think this look would be perfect for a bedroom.


asymmetrical Christmas garland on a mantel

Asymmetry is big again this year. Asymmetry is easy to achieve on a mantel. Draping a garland across the mantel with the garland hanging down one side of the mantel has a more modern designer look. And mantel asymmetry is an attention grabbing design.

This year, think about using what I call drippy greens, Cyprus, and Norfolk pine. They work so well on a mantel, especially when it is asymmetrical. I’m featuring an asymmetrical garland on our mantel again this year.

Metal Garland And Wreaths

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Metallic has been big for a few years when it comes to Christmas decor. Metallics garlands and wreaths are particularly popular this year.

Give your home a touch of luxury with the shine and sparkle of metallics. In 2023, gold and other deeply burnished metals will allow you to add a bit of sophistication to your Christmas decor. Deck your halls with metal garland entwined in Norfolk pine or a metal wreath hung on a cabinet’s glass doors.

Christmas wreath

What do you think about the upcoming Christmas trends? Soon it will be time to decorate for Christmas. Why not incorporate some of these beautiful trends into your home this holiday season?

Click The Video For More Christmas Inspiration

10 Things To Do For Christmas Now

3-Step Christmas Arrangements Using What You Already Have

Merry And Bright Christmas Home Tour

How To Choose A Christmas Color Palette

Shopping Trendy Christmas Decor

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  1. I have been loving the European trend for awhile and especially for Christmas. I remember wanting to try oranges last year. Looking forward to your method. I also am a big fan of brown and aged copper. I have one whole tree dedicated to it with pale green accents (the best frosted Green grape lights). Had it for years, but happy it is on trend!

    1. Hi Susan, what goes around comes around! And yes, many of the trends were up and coming but are peaking this year. Like you, I love that European look.

    2. Planning on using lots of bronze, brass and brown on my 4ft table tree. Do you think red as an accent color will work? I have ordered some red velvet pillow covers and have alot of faux red berries to add to greens on mantle.

  2. Yvonne, Love it all! Thanks for the great information. We are going to get a bit of snow in Minnesota this coming weekend. Before we know it the holudays will be in full swing🎄