WHAT IS A MESSIAH? Learning the deep meaning of the work "Messiah"
As a Christian, it is very important to me to have a deep understanding of the “Christian” or biblical words that are part of my everyday faith.
 Words like… faith, belief, worship, glory, repentance, hope, redemption, propitiation, pray, salvation, sanctification, and  grace… just to name a few.
 No word is more important to understand than the word…
From the time I was a small child until well into my adult years I didn’t know what the word Christ meant.  When I was young I thought that Christ must be Jesus’ last name…. you know, Jesus Christ.
It wasn’t until I got serious about really knowing the meanings of the Christian words that roll off my tongue so easily that the word “Christ” became alive with value and significance.
 I hope you are asking, “I thought you were going to talk about the word Messiah?”.  Great question!
The word Messiah is a Hebrew word… and ancient word.
The word Christ is a Greek word…old, but not as ancient.
The two words are synonymous!
Most of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew… and the New Testament was written in Greek.
The word Messiah and Christ… mean “anointed one”.
So Jesus Christ means “Jesus the anointed One”.
Let’s turn to the word Messiah… “anointed one”.
In ancient times, sacred oil would be poured over a person’s head if God had a special task for them to to. The task was usually to be a king. Sometimes priests and prophets were also anointed, but anointing was primarily reserved for kings.
Oil was poured out of an animal’s horn literally covering the anointed’s head, flowing all over him. It was a sign. the anointing pointed to something significant.
In ancient times, during a coronation a king was anointed with oil instead of being given a crown.
In the bible, we can see God’s prophet Samuel anointing both Saul and David as kings of Israel.
I especially love the story of King David’s anointing! God tells Samuel, the prophet to…
“Fill your horn with oil, and go: I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, for I have selected a king for Myself among his sons” 1 Samuel 16:1
So Samuel obeys God and goes to Bethlehem, the hometown of Jesse.  He sees Jesse’s son Eliab and thinks…
“Surely, the Lord’s anointed is before Him.” 1 Sam16 :6 For Eliab was a fine speciman of a man!
But God says…
 “Do not look at his appearance or at his height or at his stature, because I have rejected him: for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart”. 1 Samuel 7
Seven of Jesse’s son’s parade in front of Samuel and God rejects them all.
Samuel asks Jesse if he has any more sons… and Jesse says… yes. He has a son out tending the sheep~ a very lowly job. Surely his youngest son, a shepherd, could never be God’s choice…
So, Jesse’s youngest son David is brought before Samuel and God says…
“Arise, anoint him, for this is he” 1 Sam 16: 13
the  1 Sam 16: 13
David was a great king… a human king… but a great king!  However, the Jews were waiting for another king. The One that was prophesied to come.  A promised king!
The Jews were waiting for a Messiah, an anointed king chosen by God for a special task.
And what was that task? To save His people. But not only His people the Jews, but all people.  This Messiah would not only save His people from the grip of bondage to other nations… but He would also free all people, who choose Him as their King. He would save them from the grip of sin and death!
 This One… anointed by God for a special task has come! Like His kingly ancestor David, He was also born in Bethlehem and even called Himself a shepherd… The Good Shepherd!
This awaited King is
Jesus the Messiah!  Jesus Christ!
Jesus “the Anointed King”!
The next time you hear the word Messiah or Christ I hope you will say to yourself… “The Anointed King”! And bow before the Him!
This week memorization verse:

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  1. When I signed up for your blog, it wasn’t because I wanted to read about religious beliefs. If it was, I would have joined a religion blog.

    1. Sydne, If you don’t like the Sunday post then you can skip them on Sundays. I am not only a decorator but a Bible teacher and feel it’s my God-ordained calling to share His truth. I hope you will read it occasionally and that God will speak to you through my words. Hugs to you!

  2. Diane Ortega says:

    Thank you for sharing Messiah this morning! I love what you share about the home and am glad you share your faith as well!

  3. Hubby and I were just discussing this very topic a few days ago. So many don’t understand the depth of Messiah…

  4. LuAnn Meyer says:

    I so love these Sunday blessings! Today I am away and unable to attend Sunday services, so, it was a special blessing. Thank you.

  5. Thank you, this was well said!!! Amen

  6. Carol Swanson says:

    Thank you for your wonderful Biblical lessons. I once took a 3 yr course in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America known as Word and Witness. It was intense. But you bring out points that I’ve never heard before. It is very much appreciated. Thanks for everything you do.

  7. Amen, well said.
    Have a Blessed day

  8. Beautiful as He is! I love being in your Sunday school class.

  9. Great lesson. Thank you for taking the time to do these postings they are greatly appreciated and I myself always learn something new.

  10. Marshia Adams says:

    I to did not sign up for a religious blog. However, the Sunday post is a highlight of my Sunday’s. I always want to learn more about Christ and you my friend are a gifted teacher. Thank you.

  11. Cheryl Ann says:

    Thanks so much Yvonne…I love how you share your faith with us on Sunday. Blessings

  12. Thank you very much for posting the Sunday message. I truly enjoy reading them.

  13. Leilani Schumacher says:

    Thank you Yvonne for your Sumday postings – the first one I e joyed came at perfect timing, as if it was written for me. As a Bible teacher, I am sure you’ve heard this before and understand what I am saying. I completely enjoy your blog – it draws me in everyday – the format, pictures, topics – all draw me in to read it all. thank you!

  14. Thank you for sharing your faith in Jesus Christ.

  15. GwenCondit says:

    Thank you. May God bless you and may you know deep in your heart thousands read. And don’t comment. But love your Sunday ministry. I did not remember Bible verses to memorize. This is so familiar I’m going to look in kjv. My memory remembers what I memorized before accident.
    I’ve been praying this week for your son. God nudged me to.
    God is good.

  16. katherine says:

    Drinking my morning coffee and half asleep, I stumbled on your blog this morning. I absolutely love your decorating style and want to thank you for being willing to share Christ in this upside world where right is wrong and wrong is right. I pray that any of your readers who don’t know Christ will see their need for the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Solus Christus!

    1. Hi Katherine! Welcome the StoneGable family! Make sure you sign up for my daily newsletter (at the top right of my header)!

  17. Thanks for this post. You have BLESSED me today!

  18. Shauna Neuenswander says:

    I am enjoying the bible studies you have been posting lately I hope you continue.

  19. Nancy Hopkins says:

    Thank you for the post every Sunday. It is a true blessing to read! I appreciate you sharing your knowledge of the Bible with me.