Clean And Dirty Colors, What Decorators Know


Clean And Dirty Colors, What Decorators Know

Every home decorator should know about clean and dirty colors and how they work together to make a room look interesting and attractive.

Clean colors work best with other clean colors. And dirty colors work best with dirty colors.

Idea 1

Too many muddy colors in a clean color palette room will actually make the whole room look dingy.

Idea 2

When a room is not harmonious or “off,” it may be because clean and dirty colors have been used in the wrong proportions.

Idea 3

Putting together a clean, bright color palette is daunting. So beautiful but incredibly hard for most home decorators.

Idea 4

Colors must be compared to other colors to determine clean or dirty colors.

Idea 5

There is so much to know about color and how it creates beauty. I hope this look into clean and dirty colors is helpful!

Clean And Dirty Colors, What Decorators Know