What To Do When You Are Spiritually Stuck

Being spiritually stuck is a dry place to be. Here are some things to remember and do to help in those times.

A desert view from a cave. Negev, Israel

Have you ever been on a four-bottle walk? No? Well, it’s quite an experience! I studied in Israel one hot summer and our teacher took us on many “wee little walks” from the northernmost part of Israel to deep into the Negev.

There was nothing “wee” about these walks. And certainly nothing “little” either! Our group of eager students would know just how torturous and treacherous a walk would be by the number of large water bottles we were required to carry with us and finish before we returned back to our bus. You might ask what does a four-bottle walk have to do with being spiritually stuck in a dry place?

Well, more than you think…

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Our walks were so interesting and educational and we walked to the so many places I had read about in my bible. Walking on holy ground, so to speak!

But they were also unbearably hot and hard and not for the faint of heart! In fact, I would often, after a very hot long totally fascinating, and exhausting day, get into the shower fully dressed just so I could peel off my clothes and wash them all in one step!

It did not take me long to figure out just what kind of trek was ahead of us by the water bottles we were to carry! My sister-in-law, Susan, and I also got wise about unusual ways to keep cool.

Our hotel rooms usually had small refrigerators in them and we would freeze wet washcloths and extra water bottles for the day ahead.  That meant that we could put the frozen washcloths around our necks or on our heads under our hats to keep us cool for at least a little bit of a walk. We also would put the frozen water bottles down the front of our bra to keep our core cool. Yes, you can get very creative if necessary!

Despite the oppressive heat, it was a life-changing trip. We were actually learning the most incredible truths as we went to historical places of the bible, even if we were wearing washcloths on our heads and frozen water bottles in inconspicuous places!

Walking through the holy land’s dry and rocky places in the heat of the summer can teach us a lot about being stuck in a dry spiritual place and how to persevere well through those times and come out victorious!


It was very evident that water is a very important commodity in Israel, especially in the summer!  Taking even a “wee little walk” without water was life-threatening!

Water equals life! This is a good equation to know in a spiritual sense too.

In those dry times, we need to have a constant supply of Living Water.

We need to be connected to the Giver of Life and be bathed by His Living Water. In other words, we need to stay connected to God and His word. It is the time to press in hard to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to supply us with understanding and comfort and the presence of God.

Staying connected to God and His word is life for our dry souls!


When we traveled on narrow mountain roads and stood on the edges of high precipices to see expansive views of places like the Sea of Galilee or the Valley of Megiddo it was very important to listen and follow our teacher. Getting off the path could be deadly!

One time when we were up in the Golan Heights our teacher warned us not to get off the path because there were still active minefields all around us. Such a beautiful place, but again, deadly!!!! We all stayed very close to our teacher on that particular outing!

When we are facing dry times in our lives we need to double our efforts to listen to Jesus! Follow Him and stay close to His word. It’s in these dry times that we are not only tested but tempted. Staying off the path that God has laid out for us in His word can be deadly!  It is vital to stay close to Jesus and not stray away.


The support of our  Israel study group helped all of us at one time or another. I remember one time in particular. We were climbing a very steep path and some strong, young men in the group made a human chain the rest of us used as a railing to keep us from slipping as we climbed up to the next level and the path before us.

In hard times we need to count on others. Life is easier when we have others to support us and pray for us and walk through those dry, desert times with us.

That is one of the biggest reasons we should all be part of a church family and a small group. We were not made to walk alone in this life. And in those dry times, your Christian friends and family and church are there to support you and help you get safely through them!


Many of our “wee little walks” in Israel took us over very tough terrain. Even though we were careful where we walked we kept our heads up and took in all the wonders Isreal offered!

If we just looked at our feet our times walking through craggy dry places we would have missed waterfalls spilling from out of the mountains above and lush green ribbons of ground where a small brook threaded along the dry rocky landscape.

We would not have noticed local deer and other wildlife and layers of flint that looked like someone took a big pencil and drew a line across the cliffs.

With our heads up we even saw flowers and plants living in the harshest of conditions and were awed by their contrasting beauty! We took time to look around and see God in His creation!

In spiritually dry, craggy times we need to keep our heads up. We need to be watching for God showing Himself to us. We need to look for the miracles He weaves in our lives even in our dry times!


Even though many of our treks in Israel were hard and hot and uncomfortable they ALWAYS ended in the most profound, life-changing ways. I learned so much and my heart was deeply impacted and changed! I grew spiritually by huge amounts!  Because I spent time in the dry places of Israel I can share this with you today.

Spiritually dry places lead to victory! When we go through them we are almost always elevated to a higher understanding, a growth in our maturity, and a more intimate relationship with the Lord IF we persevere and cling to Jesus as we walk the paths of dry places.

Our Christian life was never guaranteed to be an easy one. In fact, Jesus tells us just the opposite. But, He also tells us that He will be with us and never leave us.

It’s important to remember that we will take spiritual “wee little walks” in dry places in our time on this earth. Because it’s a four-bottle life!



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  1. Wonderful- thank you so much. So needed at this moment in time. I’m saving it.

  2. You just don’t realize how many hearts you touch.

  3. God bless you as you always point us to Jesus, our LORD & Savior.

  4. Debbie Atchley says:

    Yvonne, May I ask What tour group you went with?

  5. Love the analogy between your trip and life. Thank you for sharing. ❤️