Are you ready to greet the day each morning? Do you like to hit the snooze button or do you jump right out of bed? Do you need your coffee first thing or do you open the curtains and let the sunshine in. I used to be an early bird but in the last few years not so much. My bed feels a little too good in the am! More important than greeting the day is meeting God in the morning. How do you meet God in the morning?

  Let’s face it, prayer is a discipline. I

t takes a conscious effort to make prayer a habit! 

The Bible teaches that prayer unleashes great power, comfort, wisdom, hope, blessing, joy and so much more. Now isn’t that a wonderful way to start each and every day!

My daughter-in-law’s mother quotes this verse often… THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE, LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT. Psalm 118:24. Although it has prophetic overtones I think it is a good thing to say each morning!

It’s a reminder that each day is a gift from God, a fresh new day! It’s a new day to look for all the good God is doing in our lives and celebrate God and all He does for us! Jesus set the example for us.

He would get up very early in the morning, go to a quiet place where He would not be disturbed and spend time with His Father!


Jesus knew that He could not face all the demands and trials of His day without first spending the very beginning of it with God! It was God’s power and presence that gave Jesus the power to do God’s will.  

We too can be powered by God!  

If we are not spending time with God and in His word we are starting each day with a huge deficit! Prayer is food for our souls! 

But when we wake up and make God a priority we power our day and start it with the right attitude!    

Experts say that it takes 21 days to create a habit.    Here’s my challenge… Will you get up each morning, open your eyes and recite Ps 118:24 and look for ways to rejoice and be glad.

And then will you find a quiet place and spend time talking to God and reading His word? First thing in the morning, even if you have to get up early to do it!  

Will you agree to do this for one month? Let’s develop a life-changing habit together.   

After one month it’s my prayer that God shows Himself so big in our lives! It is my hope that we are more joyful and can handle problems in our life so much better.   

After a month I know we will no longer imagine starting our day without God!  

If you are not sure where to start reading God’s Word here is a suggestion:  


This week’s memorization verse: THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT. Ps 118:24

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  1. Good morning God, this is YOUR day, I am Your child show me YOUR way.

  2. I meet with God every morning with his help. I find my days are better, I know he’s with me and loves me and it helps when I deal with others.

  3. This was a timely read for me this morning, Yvonne. I so often get stuck in my praying, and I welcome guidance like this. Thank you!

  4. Yes. Thank you for that encouragement this morning, Yvonne. Have a blessed Lord’s Day.

  5. Sherry Sanders says:

    I love you even though I don’t know you because you are my sister in Christ. I love your weekly exhortation to us. Have a blessed Lords day and week.

  6. I look forward to all your posts, but most especially Sunday’s. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance.
    My prayer time is usually around 3 am after nature calls and I climb back into bed. Everything is quiet and still and I feel God’s presence.

  7. Mary Anne says:

    My Daddy used to wake us up with that quote ! I thank God for allowing me to open my eyes , walk downstairs to the coffee pot !! I thank Him thru out the day for His Blessings. I love that you are encouraging your readers to begin this practice!! It really does help me !!

  8. I have always prayed at bedtime in the evening, with prayers offered up for family and friends and also to tackle what awaits me in the morning. However, lately I find myself falling asleep before I finish. I love this new challenge of morning prayer and meditation. Thank you for this post!

    1. Yay, so glad you are joining us! I know what you mean about falling asleep during nighttime prayers.

  9. Elizabeth says:

    I love God and I love Jesus Christ. Thank you for your words and encouragement. I pray every day and am grateful for that opportunity.

    1. So wonderful to see you profess your faith here. I think of the verse that says if we profess Jesus He will profess us before God.

  10. Thank you Yvonne for such a meaningful post! Prayer and starting your day with God is very important!

  11. Joanna Malczewska says:

    Dear Yvonne! Thank you so much for reminding me how powerful the prayer is! It is really difficult to get started with it but with this psalm I can manage! Have a great day, darling!