We have a family of Mockingbirds that have been living at StoneGable for as long as we have. I really think they were here before us and have welcomed into THEIR LIVES. Mockingbirds are such interesting little fellows. They have a very a long expressive tail that bobbles up and down when they sing.

One particular mockingbird  sits on the top branches of our weeping cherry tree and shouts out his song. It’s not even that pretty! No obvious melody… just  strings of squacks and calls and shrill whistles. He doesn’t seem to care at all… he just belts it out with every thing his dear soul has… 
Not the most gentle way to wake up. Some mornings it’s comical… but some mornings it’s very very annoying!!!!
Not long ago a fragment of scripture popped into my head…. something about the trees of the field clapping their hands. What a great word picture!
Can you see the wind blowing through the trees making them “clap”. 
Although this verse is taken out of context I love to think that all the earth is singing a song of great worship to the LORD! Yes, even my mockingbird friend!
Psalm 96:1,2, 11-13
All the earth in it’s own way knows and gives glory to the Lord! Nature know it’s Creator… and in a great and wonderful act of corporate worship does exactly what it was created to do…it shows who HE is. Now that is a great act of worship, indeed!
Even my noisy little mockingbird is singing with all that is within him and doing his little birdie things… just like God created him to do… and it pleases and is a great worship to the Author of the Universe! He  sings each morning for only God to hear!
Nature cannot wait for the  Lord to come back. Even it knows the mess this world is in and waits with immense anticipation for Jesus’ return.
But here is a startling thing… God’s most prized creation does not necessarily feel that way! Unlike the rest of creation, it praises itself and acts independently of it’s wonderful Creator.  It’s songs and deeds are self driven and much of it is an abomination to the Lord! 
We were made to have the most intimate relationship with the very God of ALL! Our being and living was created to be a great praise to the Lord… just like the rest of the created world.
This morning I got up and took a lesson from my little birdie friend… I started my day with my own song to the Lord. 
Psalm: 118:24
Let’s all join creation and praise our Maker and worship Him!!! Let’s live IN HIM the way we were created to be!

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  1. Yvonne:

    I have always loved Psalm: 118:24. My mom would always say it to me when she would come in to wake me up in the morning. Always so special and wonderful memories.

    1. A VERY SMART, RIGHT AND WORSHIPFUL THING TO DO! You were very blessed to have a mother who knew where her day came from!

  2. Ps. Lovely Post ! Thank You.

  3. Growing up in Orthodox Jewish schools, Psalms have always been studies and is used in prayer and times of comfort. Psalms helped me through my son’s 4 deployments.

    I live in a place where we have birds all year through. Hearing them first thing in the morning is my prayer service. Thank you for this post for reminding us it is not only material things that make our lives comfortable and happy but also the things that are provided by God and nature.

    1. Thank you so much for your son’s service to our country. And your sacrifices! We are blessed by your son’s willingness to protect us!

  4. Doreen Bednarski says:

    Thank you once again for your beautiful Sunday Scripture. Your teachings are such a blessing. I too marvel at God’s smallest creations but you have such a gift for helping me look even deeper into their meaning.
    Blessings to you.

  5. What a lovely post! I too have thought about nature praising God, “Evan the rocks cry out”. I have a little bird that sits just outside my window
    And wakes me up most mornings and it can be annoying for sure! But after your reminder this morning, I’m going to change my attitude and sing along!

  6. What a wonderful Sunday note – we too have a family of mockingbirds and from now on every time I see them I will remember this. You are a blessing – thank you.

  7. Let all creation sing with joy to our Lord. From the largest to the tiniest, let us praise his name. Thank you Yvonne for sharing this post, it has given me time to remember that God is to be adored and worshiped. We are very blessed!

  8. Amen! Thanks for this post. My first cup of coffee along with this reminder of how God rejoices in our praises is a great way to start my day. I’m looking forward to worship time with others this morning!!

  9. Thanks for the wonderful post! We have cardinals here in NC waking us up every morning with their singing. We have a tree in our backyard with 2 branches that appear to be clapping whenever the wind blows a certain way. I always remind my husband of Isaiah 55:12 when I observe the branches “clapping” which says “For you shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you with singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” Blessings, Janet

  10. I do animal rescue and often am appalled by people who allegedly are the ones with the larger brains and made in our Father’s image. Most of the rescue problems are bc direct neglect or abuse by people. Makes it hard for me to remember to sing my song of praises to God..
    Fyi I frequently change my email signature quote. Today, I changed it to Psalms 118:24. BEFORE reading your post.

  11. Yvonne,
    Not only do you teach us to see beauty around us, but also to hear the beautiy around us! Thank you!

  12. Amen!! I love Gods art work!
    Have a Blessed day

  13. Rebecca Silverstone says:

    Yvonne, I look forward to your Sunday posts! I love how you see the pleasure in things & it is inspiring.

  14. Patti Gencarelli says:

    I look forward to each day to see what you will share.
    Joyfully, each day has anticipation of seeing what you have
    prepared in advance for your friends.
    Today was a dot blessing.
    Thank you.

  15. Patti Gencarelli says:

    Make that a double, blessing.

  16. I look forward to your Sunday post! This post also brings to mind, Luke 19:40… “…If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out!” Just another of Nature’s Worship! 🙂 ~Rhonda

  17. GwenCondit says:

    I too loved this passage!! It includes what I’m trying to understand. To Bless God. We think of blessing food. Blessing others. God blessing us. But I’m to Bless His name. My mind is weak so I’ve been asking for Gods help in understanding how to do this more than just saying Bless a Your name Lord. By the time I scroll down I’ve forgotten what you’ve written so I scroll back—oh yes!! Learn from a mockingbird who sings every song and can trill like a beautiful bird but also sing in its crackly voice–always from the highest point of our trees! Yes. I love to make up songs to the Lord. I shall do it now. When my heart is broken. My mind is too. I shall sing of the mercies of the Lord forever I shall sing. I shall sing! Now that just popped in my head from my small childhood. Thank you. Perfect is the Lords timing and you were His vessel to me this day

    1. I love to answer this question Gwen!!! When we talk about God’s “name” we are talking about His character. His name… or the names of God define His character or just exactly who He is. The word bless in Hebrew means to “kneel down”. When God blesses us it is the idea of a superior God bending down from heaven to touch a human’s life. It is an act of great mercy and a great gift from our Father. When we bless God we “kneel down” in reverence and honor.When the bible says bless God we are figuratively kneeling down and worshipping God’s great character and who He is.

      Hope this helps.

  18. Vanessa Breg says:

    AMEN!! HE is so worthy of all of our praise!

  19. My husband has his quiet time each morning. Everything is new and fresh. He comments on this very event. Recognizing how birds begin each day singing to the Lord. The one who will provide all that a they need for that day.

  20. Well Yvonne, I believe there is a Scripture that says we are to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord” and it doesn’t say what kind of noise other than “joyful”; so that mockingbird is making his joyful noise unto the Lord. Scripture also tells us that if we don’t praise Him the rocks will cry out and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want that to happen! Let us all make a joyful noise to Him by lifting up our hands to worship Him and singing no matter how we sound!

  21. What a joy to hear the birds early morning, although here in the desert they are a little quiet this time of the year but once the heat breaks in October we will once again enjoy the mockingbirds and we will be singing Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, bless His holy name for the gift of His awesome creation. Tried your potato salad recipe…..delicious and have made it several times. Thank you!

  22. Yvonne, you have such as unique way of expressing things so that they reach in and grab ones heart. I found your blog one day and it has become one of my favorites. Wish I had a neighbor like you. Thanks for being the strong being that you are. Oh, by the way I love mockingbirds too, there a several in the cemetery where my mother and stepfather were buried. We see and hear them often.

  23. “Make a joyful noise”… your mockingbird and me, when I sing. Our Lord must have very special hearing to recognize our attempts to sing his praises!

  24. Ginny Ricci says:

    “Nature’s Worship Service!”…..Exactly! If people would only slow down, be quiet, and listen, they might indeed “hear” the whisper of God all around them. Love this poem…..can’t you just imagine the conversation?…..
    “Said the robin to the sparrow, “I should really like to know…why these anxious human beings rush about, and worry so”…..Said the sparrow to the robin “friend, I think that it must be. That they have no heavenly Father such as cares for you and me.”

    You’re a blessing, Yvonne…thank you! Ginny